Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lace is Everywhere!

Everyone is loving lace right now and so am I ! It's such a great addition to any little outfit, accessory, or even bags. I made these little cuties today in honor of my lace love. Here they are:

 This is a closer look at the lovely rose pattern lace

This is a horrible photo of one headscarf I'm working on but I love it SO much I just had to show it off. The beadwork pattern will be ivy and leaves in brown, green, gold, and light green beads.  I love the giant flower next to the Coral Red striped fabric. I'm so excited to get this one finished! I modeled the design on this silly belt I had as a kid. It was brown and cream beads connected by a tan and brown flower that looks very much like my styled flower here.
I can't wait to show off the finished product! I'll update soon.


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