Monday, August 13, 2012

Giuliana's First Birthday

Giuliana, my baby cousin, celebrated her big first birthday a couple months ago and her mommy and I went ALL out! Since this was her first birthday we wanted it to be a beautiful classy party because in the years to come it will be all about costumes, sticky fingers, and colorful games. Our love for Pinterest fueled our ideas for this party so you may recognize a few ideas. I hope you enjoy the photos!

The party tabe was so much fun. We had personalized party water bottles, #1 sugar cookies, balloons, crepe paper flowers, and baby roses.

These little candle holders were adorable. I started with some fog glass candle holders, then, I took the baby roses and baby's breath to circle the rim. The flowers were held with a rubber band and then a delicate pink ribbon. One great thing about these is that after the party you can turn the holder upside down, dry the flowers, and keep them for a little longer.

Here are the little water bottles. Rachel, Giuliana's mother, is very health conscious so we decided to have healthy food and drink options. I designed the happy birthday logo and took some sweet little "one year" photos to print on the labels for the bottles. This is super easy to do. Just find print labels that mach the size of a water bottle and go!

The buffet was gorgeous. We used books and boxes to create a raised buffet. Then, we put a solid white tablecloth down and added white Christmas lights wrapped around the platforms. A sheer white table cloth on top made the little lights sparkle and shine around the beautiful platters. 

These lovely vases are made with real cut lemons. Place a small vase inside the glass jar, place lemons around rim, fill with water, add flowers, and tie with a ribbon!

This chalkboard is an adorable idea my cousin had. She recorded little facts about Giuliana's first year and wrote them on the board.

Another lovely vase idea I saw was placing baby's breath in the bottom of a large vase and floating candles in it. 

Giuliana and daddy!

Giuliana surrounded by tissue paper and colorful bags.

Noni and baby G

Giuliana doesn't eat processed sugar yet so Rachel made her an amazing apple spice cake with banana frosting. It was awesome!

Monthly photos

The party food blog post is coming soon!